  • 电子商务开发
  • 决策支持系统
  • 库存控制器
  • 产品开发专员
  • 技术顾问
  • 乐虎集团程序开发人员
  • 用户体验研究员
  • 网站内容管理员


Are looking for a challenging field of study focused on the advancement of computer-based solutions to meet the needs of businesses.


一个要求很高的, forward thinking major that combines strong technical skills with business management knowledge.


  • 网站管理
  • 数据库管理器
  • 系统分析师
  • 网络安全分析师
  • 估计量


管理信息系统强调收藏, 组织, analysis and dissemination of information for the planning and control of business or 组织al operations. The program prepares graduates to build information systems for the present and the future. The student learns how to handle the complex problems of building a bridge between the computer science professional, 谁有技术倾向, 管理人员, 谁有功能视角.

Another objective of the program is to provide students with both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience. 这个项目需要实习. Practical experience enables graduates to become productive in any setting more quickly. 进一步, hands-on experience provides excellent motivation and concrete models for advanced course work. 研究生s of the program find employment in a wide variety of settings.


乐虎电子's MIS program is a unique collaborative effort by the faculty of two distinct disciplines: business administration and computer science. The Bachelor of Science degree provides sufficient background and skills to support a successful career in technical computing (e.g.如程序员、系统分析师、系统设计师等.), 系统或网络管理, 数据库管理, 资讯科技管理, 销售或技术销售支持.


入学 to the pre-MIS phase of the program is open to any student who is admitted to NDSU. 在pre-MIS阶段, 商科课程:在商业方面所修的一套严格的课程, computer science and mathematics is designed to give the student the proper background for the core courses. Pre-MIS majors are then admitted to the major program after completing the pre-courses required for the major program admission (i.e., 英格兰120年, 通讯110, 数学144, ECON 201或ECON 202, and PSYC 111 or SOC 110) and have earned a cumulative GPA of at least a 2.50. Transfer students with appropriate course work may be admitted directly into the major program. 联系 a professional advisor in the 商学院 for more information.


NDSU的计算机设备在全国名列前茅. The Quentin Burdick Building (QBB) houses the academic host server for the North Dakota University System’s 11 colleges and universities and their 48,000名学生. 教师, staff and students may use a variety of computing systems ranging from multi-user host systems to microcomputers, 所有连接在一个100mb, 全双工, 光纤高速校园网, 一个高速的全州网络,然后接入互联网. 校园网络是该州最大的网络, 由超过6个,35栋楼里有500个数据端口. 大多数校园建筑都有无线接入, 包括宿舍, 还有两个户外绿地.

Open access microcomputer labs are located in 26 buildings on the campus. These labs house 495 PCs and 65 Macintosh computers along with printers and scanners. 有些实验室是24小时开放的. The computers are equipped with the most commonly used 软件, e.g.、Microsoft Office、Adobe Photoshop、AutoCad、SPSS等. 学生可以把这些电脑当作独立的工作站使用, 访问主机系统, or to communicate via the Internet with other students and professionals throughout the world. 这些实验室对新大的所有学生开放. 所有的宿舍都连接到校园网, making it easy for students with computers to access remote information for course work and various investigations.

除了开放存取的微型计算机实验室, the MIS program and the computer science department maintain two special-purpose labs housing approximately 170 computers for use by the students in their respective programs. 这些实验室包括一个计算机结构和网络实验室, 还有一个网络和服务器实验室.

NDSU has assumed a leadership role in computer networking as part of a six-state consortium for extremely high-level networking in the Upper Midwest and connectivity to the National Science Foundation supercomputer centers. NDSU is a charter member of Internet 2 and has connectivity with the national vBNS 研究 network.

NDSU also houses a Center for 高 Performance Computing (CHPC) that provides access to secure, 先进的科学计算资源. The CHPC is a member of the Coalition of Academic Scientific Computation, a nonprofit 组织 of supercomputing centers and 研究 universities that offer leading edge hardware, 软件, 以及高性能计算资源方面的专业知识.


作为一名管理信息系统专家, 一个人可能会选择商业方面的工作, 教育, 研究, 农业, 或政府. 这项工作可能是在系统分析等领域, 管理信息处理, 数据库, 电信/网络, 软件系统, 仿真模型, 设计和开发新的计算机系统或管理. The Federal Bureau of Labor Statistics expects job opportunities in information systems to be a very attractive career path in the foreseeable future.


It is recommended that high school students interested in studying MIS at the university level take the maximum number of math courses offered at the high school level. 高 school electives in the social sciences, English and communication also would be of benefit. Please speak with a professional advisor in the 商学院 for more information.